Sunday, March 8, 2009

Operating From the Higher Self

Why doubt? Everything is working out to your soul’s advantage. Light’s momentum is constantly pushing mankind’s evolution forward. Don’t be fooled by what appears to be roaring down the pike. Magicians direct matter’s illusion from every angle. The confusion they’re creating is forcing many to lose sight of the larger picture.

Orchestrate energy coming your way. Now that you’ve opened yourself up to the etheric blueprint of the Aquarian age, you’re responsible to fulfill its purpose on Earth. However, don’t become overwhelmed. All that you’re ultimately expected to do in life is love and forgive everyone who comes your way.

The Higher Realms are helping you through dozens of individuals who are conveying the wisdom and information you need to fulfill your immediate and long term plans. Rise to the occasion of the fourth dimension and most of life’s burdens will automatically fall by the wayside. For example, if you help those around you feel loved and secure, they cooperate and help fulfill your plans.

Make the best of every situation. See what others don’t and then make something of it. Ask for help instead of walking aimlessly in circles. The perfect answer to every problem exists in your heart and mind. Visualize the completion of a project while also attending to its smallest details, for each detail is a microcosm of the whole.

One’s saving grace in life comes by following higher intuition. Extend yourself to those everyone perceives as losing ground to karmic demons? Since all are one, each is responsible to all others. Ultimately, their struggle affects you. Through your mastery, ask on inner levels that they find peace. Offer a silent prayer and a cool glass of water to help soothe their troubled minds.

At times you must lubricate your eyes for them to function properly. The same care holds true of your body. Too much of heaven’s energy can fray your emotional circuits. To balance your state of being, release daily your anxieties, deadlines, and addictions to your Higher Self.

The fact that you’re alive is a testament to your consciousness of will. And though the life force within you demands freedom of expansion and reflection, directing, rather than controlling that force is a key to wisdom, vibrant health, and inner contentment. Trust your intuition. Trust that is strengthened by belief that your Higher Self—being one with God—is ultimately in charge.

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