Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Visionary

You have the power to change the world as easily as you can change yourself. Believing otherwise, shows a lack of understanding of your spiritual potential. Change on Earth is occurring at breakneck speed. What’s been set in motion can only be redirected by a dedicated group of souls—which includes you.

What scientists say of Earth’s dire condition is true from the linear perspective of mankind’s present state of consciousness. Believing life on the planet will come to an apocalyptic end is a third dimensional projection. Granted, if man does not change his present course, the effects of his actions will become irrevocable.

You embodied at this time to help bring the planet into the new age. Remember? It’s your spiritual obligation to change the consciousness of seven billion souls—one at a time if necessary. Naturally, you must be the first to change. That should be easy, for you've already been on the path to change. Your present level of attainment is proof.

Where do you begin? By conserving. Doing so you help reduce waste on the planet. By walking instead of driving, you save fossil fuel and have more time to meditate on your surroundings—what better form of exercise?

See the world as a place your grandchildren will respect. Reject the gloomy ways others predict life will be in fifty years. Don’t fall prey to their negative view of the future. Think like Gandhi: He saw freedom for his people. Believe like Martin Luther King: He had hope for all mankind.

You’re no different than Gandhi or King. You have the power to envision the Earth as a Garden of Eden. Fly to the stars and ask God to add another day to His original seven that all might join together and love the Earth more. For time is of the essence.

You are capable. It’s a perfect world when you see it in the evolutionary sense. No one has the power to make everything perfect, just yet. However, you’re a wizard of the practical. Why not use your powers to inspire others to begin using theirs?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Your Presence on Earth Has a Purpose

Believing no one loves or understands you, or that you’re alone in the world, plays havoc with everyone’s emotions at times. If, while looking in the mirror, you find nothing but fault with yourself and others, know that it’s time to spend a day communing with nature to boost your appreciation of that which you are and that which you are not. Another method of discharging feelings of unworthiness—feelings unnatural to your Higher Self—is to process your blocked emotions in a journal.

When troubled by a deep sense of disconnection from life and others, know that your Higher Self, your connection to God emanating from the core of your being, has no other purpose than to affirm the reality and beauty of who you are. Acknowledging yourself as a spiritual being, your own Higher Self, offers a wider perspective of life.

Most live on faith, hoping when they die that the way they lived served a higher purpose. They hope to earn an exalted place in heaven, but hope in and of itself isn’t the straightest path to heaven’s gates. Hope grounded in wisdom and knowledge of cosmic law quickens the soul. But few pull back the curtains of time and space to glimpse the mechanics of life or know what karma they need to balance. Too few commune with cosmic beings, understand spiritual principals, or relate in more sensitive ways to those around them. Yet those in spirit continually pressure souls to open their hearts and minds to heaven’s wonders. By so doing they accelerate their souls exponentially.

Your presence on Earth has a purpose. As an embodied soul, you possess untapped talents that could easily change the world for the better. Unfortunately, many have traded their spiritual gifts for comfort and security. As a result, mankind’s evolution has not kept pace with cosmic timetables. But in your unique way, you have the power to enlighten the world. The obvious place to begin is with yourself. Start by unearthing that which needs to be released through positive avenues of expression. And though it may seem difficult at first to articulate, it will come with time with constancy. Bring to the fore your unique talents. Doing so, your soul will be free of karmic strangleholds, cultural oppressions, and those you unwittingly allow to control you. Once free, your soul will fly to the summit of the mountain, the one you’ve been scaling since birth. And before your eyes you will behold the grand scheme of your life.

Being alone is not an Aquarian age option. Time is running its course; evolution is moving forward at an accelerated pace. Without a second to lose, climb aboard the train to the next station. You have a unique purpose in life. Old excuses will not work, only obscure your path. Heaven’s meticulous preparation in positioning you where you are in this moment demands of you greater commitment. This was your agreement prior to birth. Hope alone isn’t enough. You must consciously walk the spiritual path; and you will not be alone.

By doing nothing, those in spirit must extend themselves beyond their capacity. Pressure is building on the akashic field and in the Earth—read today’s headlines. Will you help us? Because so many on Earth choose to remain helpless, pinning their hopes on a glorious savior, heaven reels. Time to reflect upon the image in your mirror from a different perspective, as your purpose in life is staring back at you.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Operating From the Higher Self

Why doubt? Everything is working out to your soul’s advantage. Light’s momentum is constantly pushing mankind’s evolution forward. Don’t be fooled by what appears to be roaring down the pike. Magicians direct matter’s illusion from every angle. The confusion they’re creating is forcing many to lose sight of the larger picture.

Orchestrate energy coming your way. Now that you’ve opened yourself up to the etheric blueprint of the Aquarian age, you’re responsible to fulfill its purpose on Earth. However, don’t become overwhelmed. All that you’re ultimately expected to do in life is love and forgive everyone who comes your way.

The Higher Realms are helping you through dozens of individuals who are conveying the wisdom and information you need to fulfill your immediate and long term plans. Rise to the occasion of the fourth dimension and most of life’s burdens will automatically fall by the wayside. For example, if you help those around you feel loved and secure, they cooperate and help fulfill your plans.

Make the best of every situation. See what others don’t and then make something of it. Ask for help instead of walking aimlessly in circles. The perfect answer to every problem exists in your heart and mind. Visualize the completion of a project while also attending to its smallest details, for each detail is a microcosm of the whole.

One’s saving grace in life comes by following higher intuition. Extend yourself to those everyone perceives as losing ground to karmic demons? Since all are one, each is responsible to all others. Ultimately, their struggle affects you. Through your mastery, ask on inner levels that they find peace. Offer a silent prayer and a cool glass of water to help soothe their troubled minds.

At times you must lubricate your eyes for them to function properly. The same care holds true of your body. Too much of heaven’s energy can fray your emotional circuits. To balance your state of being, release daily your anxieties, deadlines, and addictions to your Higher Self.

The fact that you’re alive is a testament to your consciousness of will. And though the life force within you demands freedom of expansion and reflection, directing, rather than controlling that force is a key to wisdom, vibrant health, and inner contentment. Trust your intuition. Trust that is strengthened by belief that your Higher Self—being one with God—is ultimately in charge.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Embrace Both Light and Shadow

Embrace the human drama, but remember your soul‘s higher calling. All that exists in life is spiritually choreographed to expand your soul’s evolution. Be free to immerse yourself in planetary illusion, but be aware that it is illusion. Live in the physical world but give no credence to matter’s infinite distractions. And because you are karmically accountable for every thought, word, and action, consider the time-honored path of the Spiritual Warrior, as these masters are capable of freeing imprisoned truth from matter through their understanding of cosmic law.

A master’s first lesson is to distinguish truth from illusion within themselves. Without such discernment, one can easily be blinded by the superficial glare of physical reality. Discernment is often a difficult and lengthy process of attainment—but a crucial one for any spiritual master. Because all things emanating from the mind of God have value, including life’s illusions, differentiating between truth and error is often tricky. However, the ability to discern one from the other separates the master from the apprentice.

All is One, though few accept the belief that evil is a dimension of that One. Evil? Yes. If everything originates from the mind of God, then you must accept the premise that nothing existing in spirit or matter ultimately contradicts that reality. When a Dark Warrior seemingly enters your physical dimension, you must take immediate responsibility for its manifestation. Secondly, discern whether the Dark Warrior is a threat or a messenger of truth. He can be one or both. When confronting an apparition, demand within yourself unequivocal resolution of anything that might be in conflict with the Light. Doing so vanquishes illusion and reveals the purpose of the apparition’s appearance. If you discover the Dark Warrior is a courier sent by your spiritual guides, you will better understand the message. Often, the appearance of an astral entity is meant to quickly bring your Higher Mind to bear for clearer receptivity. Unfortunately, most succumb to their fears.

Originating from the mind of God, light and shadow combine to create physical reality. What appears to block your path at times originates from your own consciousness. On the other hand, the Dark Warrior may have come to test your mastery. Regardless of its purpose, you must challenge its appearance for your protection. Your first response should be to draw upon your spiritual resources. Summon those in higher octaves with whom you have affinity—spiritual guides, masters, and archangels. Demand they stand by your side as you make connection to your Christ Self. Once attuned, discern the apparition’s intention to determine your next move.

Embrace all of life in equal portions. To overcome fear, remain in the fold of higher consciousness. Otherwise you will never savor the fruits of spiritual attainment. The illusions of winning or losing are spiritual swords that you wield at the appropriate times. Consider two of the many uses of water. While a river’s flow can be harnessed for physical power, the still pond provides reflection upon your next move.

Though difficult to comprehend, especially those traumatized by demons in the past, the Dark Warrior is merely an illusion projected from one’s consciousness. Why recoil from that which you gave birth? Why fear the distortion of God’s energy? As a master you have choices. But choosing to fear, your mind is divided—a classic tactic of war. In that compromised state, your deluded mind can easily conjure apparitions such as the Dark Warrior. Only by integrating your Higher Mind with your lower nature can you magnify the light of God, transmuting all that is not in cosmic harmony in your world. By synchronizing your body, mind, and emotions, you open the door to the infinite resources of God. From heaven’s spherical platform, angels, elementals, and masters are at your beck and call. When summoned, these forces of heaven readily overpower your nemesis.

At the nexus of conflict and resolution, darkness and light, pain and transcendence, defeat and victory, you are free. Embrace all as One to enter that state. Love unconditionally every aspect of yourself and others. When your lower nature vibrates in union with your Higher Self, those seeking your demise cannot penetrate your spiritual defenses. Entry is denied by cosmic law.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Helping Others Helps Yourself

To make quick and lasting changes in your life, roll up your sleeves and help change the world for the better. Dreaming of living the life of a pampered prince or princess will only set your soul’s evolution back. Volunteering to bandage cuts and take temperatures of children in African villages is far more satisfying. Ministering to the elderly, dying, sick, hungry, and forsaken will stretch your heart and help fulfill your own worthwhile dreams.

Attending college to amass wealth, live in a gleaming penthouse condo, and retire to a golf course, while completely oblivious to the plight of others along the way, is a hollow dream. Studying engineering with the intent of building schools and bridges in third world countries, or cooking and serving nutritious meals at a community kitchen, enriches life. Millions are in need of your experience and counsel. Living in one of the wealthiest nations of the world is a karmically-earned privilege. To fulfill your obligation, however, you must help create a safer, kinder, and healthier existence for those less fortunate, not only in your nation but the world—that they might evolve as you have. Those living pampered lives without thought or feelings for others do not fulfill that evolutionary mandate. In their ignorance, they stand at the precipice of losing everything they’ve earned. And if a critical mass of souls of a nation perpetuates the same delusion, the nation will fail. And if that nation is the leader of the free world, all nations behind that one will fail.

A proven way to fulfill your dreams is to help others fulfill theirs. By helping others throughout your life, on the day you are laid to rest, your house of worship will fill to capacity, each in attendance holding a piece of your heart. Regardless of age, education, or intelligence, you are ultimately responsible to first heal yourself, then help heal the others. As one’s motives count for everything, your smallest offerings are tallied in your favor on the quantum field of consciousness. Helping others fulfill their purpose in life, you fulfill your own.

Ultimately, those at the end of their rope or in need of a listening ear, benefit more from your loving presence than by writing a check from the comfort of your study. Volunteering to coordinate clearing a neighborhood devastated by a storm, or transporting an elderly neighbor and her possessions to an assisted living center, connects you to the true purpose of life, which is not the same as writing a check. Offering your time and muscle strengthens your bond with others now and into the future.

Is it your wish to be a rock star or an actor with your name on a marquee to earn the respect and love of others? Do you desire to be a doctor or lawyer purely for prestige and money? If your motives are designed for the benefit of your ego, true happiness will always elude you. Unselfish motives are the lifeblood connecting humanity. And though many start out in life with high ideals and good intentions, few end up following in the footsteps of an Albert Schweitzer or a Mahatma Gandhi.

Humanity needs fewer takers and more givers. However, volunteering and then resenting your decision wastes everyone’s time—especially your own. It would be wiser to take a pass than have a negative attitude. In such a vibration, the karma incurred is worse than not volunteering at all. Until you are capable of offering your time and resources unconditionally to assist others, better to focus on healing yourself.

There’s much work to be done to bring peace to the world. But if you’re hanging on by an emotional thread, begin in simple ways. Bending down to pick up the litter along your route to the grocery store, in its own small way, brightens the world. Roll up your sleeves one day a week to assist those in greater need than yourself. Whatever you do, however insignificant, the world changes for the better as a result, while your own dreams magically unfold.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Remember Your Promise

Haven't you felt a need to do more, achieve something worthwhile in life that could positively impact those following in your footsteps? Is there an empty feeling inside that you haven't been able to quell? What is it?, you ask. Can't you see the loose ends and missed strokes in your life requiring attention? If not, consider your life from a different angle, so that the promise you made prior to embodiment glistens in the light. There is no time to lose.

How would you cope if everything you valued was lost? Loved ones, source of income, food, home—everything. Like most, you would likely be devastated. Yet millions in war-ravaged countries or those born into abject poverty cope. What is the wellspring of their hope and inspiration? Whatever it is, you must draw from the same source if you are to discover the meaning of your life.

Demanding times require emotional, mental, and spiritual flexibility. To magnify joy, attract basic necessities, and fulfill your higher purpose—judge less, practice humility, live nimbly, and bless everything (positive and negative) that comes your way. Heaven is astonished at how much arrives on each person's doorstep and is summarily rejected because it isn't what they think they need. Consequently, millions starve, even die, needlessly, though everything needed for their survival is within easy reach.

Grains of sand begin falling through the hourglass the moment one is born. Yet the young innocently believe they will live forever. With little foresight, they waste precious time digging themselves into karmic holes until one day a life-threatening event comes crashing down, shaking them to the core. Only then does their higher purpose come to light. If they had only been aware of their spiritual purpose before losing an arm or causing the death of a friend, they could well be on their way to helping rather than hindering the world. And if the majority of their generation were in sync with their evolutionary timetables, they could, as a force for good, change the world for the better in a cosmic instant.

Consider taking someone in need under your wing. There's no reason anyone should feel alone or directionless with so many wiser individuals on the planet capable of befriending or guiding them. One reason so many do not is that they have become overwhelmed by their own karmic struggle. Numbed as a result, they too often neglect the needs of loved ones under their own roof. But they are wrong believing they have nothing to give. Balancing personal karma is an act of giving and receiving. One simple, yet effective, method of helping others, while at the same time lightening their own karmic load, is by offering everyone they meet a heartfelt word of encouragement. Imagine if everyone tipped their hat and smiled at those they encountered every day for the rest of their lives. What a different world it would be.

These are inspiring times. Unlimited opportunities abound to expand happiness. Prior to embodiment you promised to overcome and accomplish something special in your life. Remember? Only when that promise comes to light, and you take the first step toward its fulfillment, will you begin to live.