Monday, February 9, 2009

Heaven to Thomas

Are you holding on to more than you need? Expectations are easy to fall prey to, but you’re not obligated to please anyone but yourself. If your life has become more complicated than you can handle at any time, take a break. The battle of light versus darkness, balancing karma, paying dues—these are ongoing dramas.

You decide when to enter the fray and when not to. No one is forcing you to do what you’ve lost inspiration for. Remember the days when you set off on foot to the Leaf and Bean downtown each morning, ordered a black coffee, and wrote in a journal observations of the weather, people, or what snagged your interest?

Those days are still here. No one has taken them away. Who restricts your writings to that of a formal letter to the ambassador of a distant solar system? It’s up to you how your commitment each day is formulated. Go easy, go wild. Write about how forlorn you feel living in your “desolate” part of the country.

Whatever you desire to write is fine with us. You’re the poet in embodiment. If you need this time to blow some creative steam off, do so. It only helps open the dialogue with us tomorrow or whenever you decide to get back in the saddle. Or maybe you need to take off on your horse for a week and ride life’s ridges.

Your feeling of disappointment is worth exploring. It’s a mixture of sadness and helplessness. Your stool has been knocked out from under you and you’re lying helpless on the floor looking up at everyone, or it seems like everyone is staring at you in disbelief. Not laughing, mind you, but smirking at you on your rump.

You decided long ago to be as honest as possible with yourself. Your honesty comes and goes, but for the most part you try to keep your life real given your advantages or what some might call your controlling nature. But what do others really know of you? You were born with a mission and you try your best.

You were sad today for all the horrible ways people treat others, especially young people. You have great empathy for those in the world going through trauma and pain. Feeling that is a wonderful sensitivity more should possess. Tonight, ride your feelings in the moonlight. Tomorrow you’ll feel revived.

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