Monday, January 12, 2009

Surrendering Control

You are connected to the Eternal Now. Giving voice to Higher Consciousness is a unique gift, one that can take many lifetimes to perfect. You have diligently honed your intuitive abilities over time as a priest, poet, seaman, and artist. And though writing has become a simple effort, it wasn’t always that way.

Though you haven’t a clue what words will fill this page, you have enough confidence in the process to know that the final version will make perfect sense. Courage in the moment takes honesty and spiritual reliance. But if you believe that everything coming from higher realms is always serious, you limit the fun.

Life is simpler than most believe, yet its inner workings are far more complex than anyone could possibly describe in a straightforward manner. That’s why theater, poetry, and art evolved. There was a need for transcendent forms to put life, death, and the foibles of human nature in context for the soul to reflect upon.

The spiritual path needn’t be dull, painful, or staid. If you’re not having creative fun communing with angels and masters, balancing karma, or saving the Earth, try loosening your grip. As with everything that is highly prized in life, there’s a natural flow of energy that courses through every moment you experience.

Having the ability to give voice to Spirit, the font of knowledge is within reach. What magic is this? Naturally, to widen the portal of consciousness that accesses etheric realms takes dedication and surrender. Acquiring a childlike wonder is the first step. Presently, thousands on Earth are poised for such a breakthrough.

Already you are nearly finished with this writing, though you haven’t thought for a second how it will end. This is also how life must unfold. In the Eternal Now, time and space are nearly irrelevant, as past, present and future meld into one. With practice, lack of sleep, crying babies, or the cold of winter lose their pull.

When surrendering your life to the spiritual path, eating, sleeping, and working become secondary to that higher purpose. The more relaxed you become living in the moment, the closer you are to God. Your purpose in life is to relinquish the ego’s control, trusting that everything will work out, just like this writing.

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