Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Be Not a Slave to Habit, Form, or Others

Be not a slave to life’s illusions, for there your nemesis hides. Whether it be habit, form, or others, withdraw your light from all that does not vibrate as Truth. Life’s illusions are but karmic traps. Use your base senses to relate to the world, but to perceive the heart of a matter, transcend what they convey, especially if your spiritual veracity is being attacked.

Always challenge that which appears before you. As everything is transitory and evolving, one can easily be fooled. From the birth of a solar system to a dying star, all forms of matter are in flux. Never pin your life or hopes on anything transitory, for you may find it to be a volcano about to erupt. Release yourself from illusions and that which you seek will come to you.

Mindless habits obscure the road ahead and the path within. The power of mastery is diminished when fearful habits trump the quest for Truth. And if you’ve weakened your soul with fear, expect to fall by the sword of the Dark Warrior. When fear runs rampant in your life, angels of God cannot reach you in time to intercede.

All matter is formed in the mind. That which you place your attention upon will surely glow. But not all that glows is Truth. How to tell the difference? That is mastery. Begin by withdrawing from all you have given power to in your life: habits, form, or others. If they are not of the Truth, they will disappear. If they hold Truth, the voice of God will emanate from their source of Light.

Who follows another without question? Nazi Germany did so to the detriment of all, and now suicide bombers in Iraq follow their masters like puppets on a string—Paradise is not their reward. All are in a state of evolution. What people believe today, they may not tomorrow. Only Truth withstands the winds of time and fashion.

Be a slave to Truth and nothing else. And what is Truth? It’s the Voice at the core of your being. You function in life by virtue of its inviolate and timeless laws—laws many know intimately but haven’t taken the time or made the effort to define. Truth is everywhere, but likely encased in the dross of illusion.

When you are a slave to habit, form or others, death is your overseer. Eventually, you must don the mantle of spiritual mastery and wield the sword of Light to free yourself and others from the illusions of matter. When you do, Truth will speak. Awaken to your purpose on Earth by commanding the armies of Heaven.

1 comment:

Harry Priest said...

One of the recent writings you took from the higher planes, about Istanbul, predicts the following, and I wanted to post it in order to document the prediction, in part because other predictions in your writings have come to pass (by the way, you should post the entire writing here). The writing titled Pray for Instanbul, dated 1-27-09, says:

"If Turkey doesn't shift by summer's end, shaking will rattle Indonesia or China.
If buildings don't topple near Los Angeles by November, Americas south will reap nature's wrath. Somewhere, someplace, rents in the spiritual sheath from ages past are under pressure. Unless energy is released, planetary seams will rip."

So turmoil in Turkey must be balanced by natural disasters elsewhere, it seems, to maintain balance on the planet. The writings spoke similarly about the Tsunami in Indonesia in 2006 (?), that it was happening for a reason and to bring balance because of violence in the middle East. It will be interesting to see what happens in Turkey, Indonesia or China, and then Los Angeles or the American South later this year. Although it is not clear if the events in the U.S. would be related to Turkey or occur due to pressures from ages past.

A few years ago, reading these writings, I noticed a prophecy that by the context could be calculated as something that would happen in Indonesia in November of 2007. The writing spoke of fire riding the wind in Indonesia, and I followed the headlines at that time, though you were not aware of this Thomas, and there was a strange phenomenon in which a volcano produced an unusual light show of sorts, which people had gathered to watch, with sparks flying on the wind. It was unusual enough to make headlines. So the prophecy actually happened when it was predicted to happen.
So it will be interesting to see what happens in the countries and areas mentioned in this more recent writing later this year (2009). It depends on Turkey though, so we have to follow events there too. In general, people have a lot to gain by tuning in to these writings, not because of predictions, but because the source of these writings, the spiritual sponsors, perceive with omniscience.
