Monday, February 16, 2009

Acknowledge Strengths and Weaknesses as One

Yin and yang, life and death, strength and weakness—facets of the one atom known as God. There is no separateness in life, only unity. You are one with your enemies and loved ones. And since every facet of cosmos originated from a single nucleus, seeing anything as separate is an affront to God’s intelligence.

The one we’re speaking of is the One at the core of being. How each soul uses their freewill to think and act creates their personality. That personality is an illusion that you must see through and make connection with their Higher Self. Appearances aside, everyone has a soft spot. When touched, their heart opens.

Attempting to hide your weaknesses compromises your strengths. Those who have not developed spiritual attunement, are prone to exploitation by unsavory others. By acknowledging your weaknesses, you bring them to the light for healing. While in a state of spiritual attunement, you can turn weaknesses into strengths.

Spiritual masters never deny any part of themselves, neither light nor shadow. By acknowledging and accepting who they are totally, even parts that others perceive as weaknesses, they stand between the pillars of redemption and humility. If a master’s weaknesses are challenged, his strengths will come to their defense.

The Dark Warrior wins by magnifying fear to weaken his opponents’ resolve. By his offensive appearance and manner, he positions himself as an undefeatable force. His mastery of the sword and battle tactics would overwhelm anyone so foolish as to confront him on his turf. He turns his opponents’ weaknesses against them.

Never downplay weaknesses. Acknowledge them, not as runts of the litter, but equal to your spiritual strengths. Seeing them as one, they will grow strong together: strengths healing weaknesses, weaknesses providing strengths with a purpose. When the time arrives and you are tested, both will stand their ground as equals.

Always see yourself as whole. Never separate yourself, judging some parts as less than others. When you do, you will judge others in the same way. When facing a Dark Warrior, combine your weaknesses and strengths as one. By closing ranks, your weaknesses will strengthen. Unable to draw fear, your adversary disappears.

Those Who Focus on Life's Dark Side

Don’t be discouraged by the narrow thinking of others. Look for what’s intact, for everyone has an opening to their heart. Eventually, their light will shine through just being in your presence. Those who dwell on conspiracies and injustices in life are disconnected from their source. These souls are everywhere, the living dead.

They must not be ignored. Their numbers are increasing. They wander the corridors of life, disillusioned and powerless. They believe the world is controlled by forces greater than themselves. Their fascination with obscure groups verges on paranoia. And though the planet is controlled to an extent, spiritual masters are not affected.

Living on Earth is anything but easy. Every day people battle their way through life’s unexpected challenges. Though they might feel optimistic in the morning, by evening they are bedraggled and their energy is spent. Without connection to one’s source, the world appears dark and conspiring, insensitive and joyless.

With little knowledge of themselves or unable to tap wisdom’s wellspring, these individuals blame external forces for how their lives turned out. Unable to satisfy their yearning to be free, they find scapegoats to project their self-loathing upon. Their existence did not happen overnight, so it will take time for them to heal.

Dissatisfaction is a disease. Those who’ve not found inspiration in their lives likely can’t help others in the world. As a result, they blame external forces for their lack of power. And if they can’t bring themselves around to blaming individuals, they feel morally justified blaming secret societies, institutions, and abstract forces.

In a perverse way, they have disdain for the source of their own creation. God then becomes a conspirator with the audacity to create entities more powerful than the common man. Because their source of spiritual power is blocked, they cannot summon angelic legions whose mission is to keep the Earth’s darkness in check.

By blaming God, they forfeit their innate power, and then feel helpless in their lives. To snap them out of their predicament one must concentrate on what is still intact. Point out snowcapped mountains or sunlight on windowsills, and they’ll soon see a brighter world. Your mission is to keep these souls from walking off the edge.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Remedy for Sleeplessness

Today’s message is that of hope, though there’s little to be found in the hearts of those living in extreme poverty or who have been victims of war. Those swept up in such horrors live from day to day in a state hopelessness that many on the planet cannot begin to fathom.

Larger events on the planet always net those unprepared by such change. Those who see the karmic wave building in the distance can escape in time. But those who are intrinsically entrenched in a place are not as flexible. Karma that holds you to anything can easily take your life by drowning.

Pride keeps many from walking away from an oncoming disaster. Pride has destroyed more lives throughout history than any other human trait. A time will come when you must relinquish a portion of your fortune and ride out of town before you lose everything, including your life. But how many are able to do that?

When overwhelmed by personal or world events, always make your way to higher ground. Demand the wave of energy roiling your life to return to its source, pray for the angelic forces to adequately protect you, and ask to be guided by your Higher Self and those who are spiritually aligned.

Not everyone escapes life’s disastrous events. When they come crashing down around you wait out the storm before emerging from your spiritual shelter. Be willing to give up everything you are emotionally attached to, otherwise, the weight of your attachments will hinder, harm, or kill you.

The more spiritually attuned you are, greater life’s pressures. So unless you perform a spiritual ritual each day, you will have difficulty coping. Personal and world karma weighs heavier on those who have opened their emotional valves that allow direct connection to their Higher Self.

If you are wide awake in the middle of the night, it could mean spiritual forces are calling you to prayer, meditation, or another form of spiritual connection. Why struggle with your sleep demons when the best remedy for sleeplessness is to project love and hope to those with heavy hearts.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Be Not a Slave to Habit, Form, or Others

Be not a slave to life’s illusions, for there your nemesis hides. Whether it be habit, form, or others, withdraw your light from all that does not vibrate as Truth. Life’s illusions are but karmic traps. Use your base senses to relate to the world, but to perceive the heart of a matter, transcend what they convey, especially if your spiritual veracity is being attacked.

Always challenge that which appears before you. As everything is transitory and evolving, one can easily be fooled. From the birth of a solar system to a dying star, all forms of matter are in flux. Never pin your life or hopes on anything transitory, for you may find it to be a volcano about to erupt. Release yourself from illusions and that which you seek will come to you.

Mindless habits obscure the road ahead and the path within. The power of mastery is diminished when fearful habits trump the quest for Truth. And if you’ve weakened your soul with fear, expect to fall by the sword of the Dark Warrior. When fear runs rampant in your life, angels of God cannot reach you in time to intercede.

All matter is formed in the mind. That which you place your attention upon will surely glow. But not all that glows is Truth. How to tell the difference? That is mastery. Begin by withdrawing from all you have given power to in your life: habits, form, or others. If they are not of the Truth, they will disappear. If they hold Truth, the voice of God will emanate from their source of Light.

Who follows another without question? Nazi Germany did so to the detriment of all, and now suicide bombers in Iraq follow their masters like puppets on a string—Paradise is not their reward. All are in a state of evolution. What people believe today, they may not tomorrow. Only Truth withstands the winds of time and fashion.

Be a slave to Truth and nothing else. And what is Truth? It’s the Voice at the core of your being. You function in life by virtue of its inviolate and timeless laws—laws many know intimately but haven’t taken the time or made the effort to define. Truth is everywhere, but likely encased in the dross of illusion.

When you are a slave to habit, form or others, death is your overseer. Eventually, you must don the mantle of spiritual mastery and wield the sword of Light to free yourself and others from the illusions of matter. When you do, Truth will speak. Awaken to your purpose on Earth by commanding the armies of Heaven.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Heaven to Thomas

Are you holding on to more than you need? Expectations are easy to fall prey to, but you’re not obligated to please anyone but yourself. If your life has become more complicated than you can handle at any time, take a break. The battle of light versus darkness, balancing karma, paying dues—these are ongoing dramas.

You decide when to enter the fray and when not to. No one is forcing you to do what you’ve lost inspiration for. Remember the days when you set off on foot to the Leaf and Bean downtown each morning, ordered a black coffee, and wrote in a journal observations of the weather, people, or what snagged your interest?

Those days are still here. No one has taken them away. Who restricts your writings to that of a formal letter to the ambassador of a distant solar system? It’s up to you how your commitment each day is formulated. Go easy, go wild. Write about how forlorn you feel living in your “desolate” part of the country.

Whatever you desire to write is fine with us. You’re the poet in embodiment. If you need this time to blow some creative steam off, do so. It only helps open the dialogue with us tomorrow or whenever you decide to get back in the saddle. Or maybe you need to take off on your horse for a week and ride life’s ridges.

Your feeling of disappointment is worth exploring. It’s a mixture of sadness and helplessness. Your stool has been knocked out from under you and you’re lying helpless on the floor looking up at everyone, or it seems like everyone is staring at you in disbelief. Not laughing, mind you, but smirking at you on your rump.

You decided long ago to be as honest as possible with yourself. Your honesty comes and goes, but for the most part you try to keep your life real given your advantages or what some might call your controlling nature. But what do others really know of you? You were born with a mission and you try your best.

You were sad today for all the horrible ways people treat others, especially young people. You have great empathy for those in the world going through trauma and pain. Feeling that is a wonderful sensitivity more should possess. Tonight, ride your feelings in the moonlight. Tomorrow you’ll feel revived.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Prepare to Strike as Quickly as Lightning

When engaged by an aggressive force, especially one equal to or greater than your mastery, bring love and wisdom to bear. Leave nothing of yourself behind; draw from your strengths and weaknesses. Because you exist both on earth and in heaven, summon all the wisdom, power, and love from those two realms simultaneously.

Strike as a martial arts master would. Use your opponent’s energy to enlighten, rather than harm. Deflect his negative force, for it may stun or kill if absorbed. Draw heaven’s arrow taut, releasing only if it brings peace to those in your sight. As a master, prepare for every situation; but only strike lovingly and knowingly.

Use the tactics of higher consciousness to throw off those who would do you harm. Remain in a state of non-reaction and you will be impervious to their hard blows. Act like lightning so to bring heaven’s charge to Earth and peel away their illusion. Do this for the purpose of separating the real from the unreal for everyone to see.

Your spiritual guides appear to you in every form imaginable. Pay close attention to the forms within the forms. See beyond and in between what you have fallen slumber to. Consider the larger picture of your life, not just those in it. What’s hidden in mist often strikes faster than the time it takes to draw your sword.

Prepare to strike like lightning. Build a force field of energy around you to balance anything unchecked that might do you harm. Preparation is prudent. Likely you will never need to offset an attack because everything in your world is harmonious. As a rule, by dropping your guard, the negative force challenges you through others.

Prepare to strike the way forces build in the sky: thunder sounds, lightning flashes, Earth absorbs the energy. Where the strike hits no one knows but heaven. You must never wish another harm. You are on Earth to offer assistance. Every soul is worthy of giving your life for, that they might move forward.

In one form or another we will appear, even as lightning. The buildup of energy in the atmosphere needs constant releasing, otherwise the planet becomes too toxic. Be available to strike anytime, anywhere—through word and deed and in silence. You are charged with heaven’s authority when prepared to strike like lightning.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Noticing that you were sitting alone at coffee this morning, Murphy jokingly asked if you had any friends. He went silent when you said he was your friend. Afterwards, you thought about friendship. Ideas of these special relationships flooded your mind. You’ve known their importance, but rarely analyzed them.

True friends are as natural as water flowing over rocks in a stream—the bond is that close. Friends never threaten your stream’s flow. Even after a lifetime apart, true friends pick up where they left off—no bridges to cross, no apologies needed. As reflections of your soul, friends accept you without need or question.

Friends can love you as much as your enemies hate you. What fills the gap between these two polarities are distant admirers, detractors, attention-seekers, self-loathers, and those who are superficially polite. It’s true that close friends will lay down their lives for you. Are you willing to do the same for them?

Die for another? Most would not hesitate to give up their lives for a spouse or their children, for these relationships are deeply bonded. But to die for a friend? Can you truly say the love of a friend is as deep as your love of family? What of strangers? Would you willingly die for them? For some the answer is yes.

Outside your inner ring of family members—those closest to you karmically—and those you have a soul mate relationship with, true friends are aligned with you in spirit. When Murphy asked you if you had friends, he was making you the butt of his joke. Friends like these need more love than they are getting.

Everyone exists in your life for a cosmic purpose. This is important to realize for there are no accidents in the universe. Friendships develop over time. A bond is struck. If true to begin with, the friendship deepens even in stormy weather. Often friendships could be closer if the time were taken to nurture them more.

By evolving your soul’s consciousness, a deeper connection to others is forged. When the barriers to universal love are dissolved, you begin to see others as extensions of yourself and God. The oneness of life is evident the closer you are to freeing your soul of blinding karma. Everyone appears as God in disguise.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Finding the Templar's Treasure

How would your life change knowing the location of the Templars’ treasure; the whereabouts of the Fountain of Youth; or possessing the genius of Einstein, Da Vinci, or Mozart? Imagine having the ability to fly by overriding the laws of time and space. In the formal context of life, how would you use these gifts?

Unless spiritual mastery vibrates at the same level as your discovery or genius, we shutter to think. Not to say you’re not worthy, for everyone potentially is. But at your present level of consciousness, can you truly say that you would use them as God intended? Could you withdraw your ego to better the world?

Many have amassed vast fortunes or possess unparalleled genius. Others have been given the opportunity to propel mankind’s greater destiny forward. Not all have taken the high road. History books are cluttered with those who could have, but were too weak or blinded. What they did sent humanity reeling.

Honestly, how would life change after meeting and marrying your soul mate or inheriting the money needed to launch the business of your dreams? Imagine moving past a lifelong hurdle, one that’s kept you from enjoying the life you believe you deserve. In your new life, though, would you be happier?

Do you see our point? Everything in life is earned, otherwise what you have and where you are has been borrowed. And unless you’re flying by your own spiritual thrust, you must soon pay the devil his due. But let’s imagine that, at your present level of consciousness, you did find the Templar’s treasure.

What would be your first response? Paying off your mortgage, owning a lavish villa in Southern France, and building a marble museum to house the remainder of the treasure with your name engraved above the entrance? Many would, the latter being the ego’s attempt to leverage a moral obligation for praise.

Enhance what you presently have. Pining for what you don’t creates frustration. Out of what exists in your life, all things are possible. From one atom in spirit the entire universe exploded onto matter’s stage. Multiply inner contentment. Within higher consciousness, genius, power, and treasure is yours to claim.

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Thirteen Points of Mastery

1. Find resolution within and without
2. Know that you are not alone
3. Acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses as one
4. Prepare to strike as quickly as lightning
5. Forgive yourself and others beforehand
6. Be not a slave to habit, form, or others
7. Embrace both light and shadow, transcendence and pain, victory and defeat
8. The ego strives to win, the Master strives for nothingness
9. Survival is a dance, life has a purpose, wisdom is your fortune
10. Mastery holds romance in high esteem
11. The ego is predictable, the Higher Self has no such limitation
12. Pride is an open wound, humility its healing
13. Learn from nature for it rules the Earth

Find Resolution Within and Without

The light of your soul has but one purpose: to express itself in the fullest light. But like a river flowing to the sea, light too must traverse narrow canyons, push past boulders and fallen trees, round hard bends, and lose a portion of itself to the sun and thirsty deer along its way. All this, that your soul’s destiny is fulfilled.

Light, like water, has an infinite number of ways to adapt to one’s nature. One way or another, it will find passage past every obstacle, and if the laws of physics cannot be circumvented it will patiently wear to sand a boulder that is blocking your soul’s path. All this, that your soul might connect with the mind of God.

What blocks your happiness, power, and connection to others exists within you. Resolve what blocks your Higher Self and your light will flow freely. If the mind opens, so do the emotions—those conduits to Higher Consciousness. When light’s passage to the sea takes a straighter course, love, wisdom, and power increase.

In its natural state heaven’s light is absolute. But when poured through the filters of mankind’s consciousness, that light is compromised. And if man’s thoughts do not resonate with Higher Consciousness, the ideal life becomes illusive. Same holds true of spiritual power. When light is blocked, the soul is weakened.

Strengthen connection to your Higher Self, for it is the lifeline to spiritual victory. When you tap its infinite potential, whatever confronts you physically is easily resolved. When connected to Higher Consciousness, you can ask for help anytime and expect a response equal to the challenge. This is your life’s greatest power.

To overcome the Dark Warrior, resolve those parts of yourself that block the flow of your river. You cannot fight, hate, or judge your way to victory. Embrace each obstacle with the love and the patience of a million years that each becomes smaller than a granule of sand. Then your river of light will move swiftly to the sea.

You cannot defeat the Dark Warrior on his own turf. Only by invoking to your side those who have freed their souls through inner resolution will your opponent begin to sense his Higher Self through you. In the reflection of your love he must come to terms with his motives. So doing, he will fall to his knees in tears.